Celebrating the establishment of “World Lake Day, ” a new UN observance!
At the 79th United Nations General Assembly, the UN designated August 27 as World Lake Day. This date was adopted in honor of LECS ’84, the 1st World Lake Conference, held on August 27, 1984, at the shores of Lake Biwa in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. To celebrate the establishment of World Lake Day, ILEC has created a dedicated page on its official website.
Our mission is to contribute to the conservation and management of the world’s lakes and their basins by promoting an Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) platform in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). We also issue a call to action, to mainstream lakes and other lentic waters in national and global environmental policy frameworks.
Why not contribute to the preservation of the world lakes environment.
Since 1986, ILEC has been promoting rational and sound management of world lakes and their catchment areas consistent with sustainable development policies through its global partnership with UNEP and other international/national agencies. Your donation supports our activities. According to your request an advertising banner could be displayed on our web site (organization only).