The International Lake Environment Committee Foundation was established to seek exchanges of international knowledge and promote research that develops sustainable management of the world’s lakes and basins.

Our Story
Population increases and industrialization surrounding the world’s lakes has induced an excess of the pollutant load, therefore degrading the water quality and ecosystems these lakes provide. Such issues prevail around the world and are acknowledged as common problems that must be addressed. In 1984, the World Lake Conference was organized at Otsu in Shiga Prefecture. Dr. Tolba, the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme declared the establishment of the “International Shiga Committee,” and the Government of Shiga Prefecture created ILEC.
Our Vision
Lakes, which contain about ninety percent of the surface freshwater (liquid) on Earth, are a vital water resource, constituting a rich and essential component of nature as well as providing a variety of benefits to human beings. Today, many lakes and other inland waters around the world are in critical condition and will be severely affected by global warming because of their lentic (static) nature as water systems.

In coping with these situations, ILEC has been promoting the sustainable management of lakes and their basins in collaboration with our worldwide counterparts from the academic, administrative and private sectors engaged in the conservation of lakes and other inland waters.
ILEC also promotes international cooperation and human resource development through hosting the World Lake Conference as well as various other training and educational activities.