
Support ILEC for Sustainable Lake Management: Online Donations Now Available!

We are pleased to welcome both Membership Sponsors (Annual Donation) and Donations, which can be conveniently made using credit cards and mobile payment methods.

We offer special benefits for organizational membership sponsors, and donors who contribute 10,000 JPY (≒70 USD) or more. These benefits include showcasing your organization’s logo on our website and in our newsletter. To learn more about payment methods and the details of these benefits, please see the “Payment Information and Benefit Details.

As a campaign, we are currently seeking support to send African students to the 19th World Lake Conference in Hungary.

At the 19th World Lakes Conference, Japanese students will take the lead and collaborate with students from the host country, Hungary, as well as from the United States, with its Great Lakes, and from Kenya and Uganda, neighbors of Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, to conduct a youth session. This session aims to seek fresh perspectives and energy from youth and explore sustainable ways to expand the circle of youth involved in the conservation of lakes and aquatic environments. Discussions will revolve around the perspectives of education, economy, and environment, focusing on what is essential.

Since African communities are struggling with various challenges that are intimately linked to their daily lives around lakes and the aquatic environment, we hope that the youth will actively participate on-site, fostering direct connections with their peers and networking with stakeholders from around the world in various sessions.

We kindly ask for your support in this endeavor.