Alejandro Juarez Aguilar
Managing Director, Institute Corazon de la Tierra (Heart of the Earth), Guadalajara
He has been working as Managing Director of the Institute Corazon de la Tierra (Mexico), since 2002. His fields of expertise are Integrated Watershed Management, Community Development, Communication and Environmental Education. He is member of the International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC) Scientific Committee; Leader of the Lakes and their Basins Working Group, in the Mexican Watershed Management Network (Remexcu); and member of the Technical Committee for Management and Conservation of Jalisco State’s Wetlands (Mexico).
As researcher and manager he participated in several international projects: Integrated Lake Basin Management-Governance Project (2008-2011) as responsible for the Mexican case -ILEC-; the Transboundary Water Assessment Program (2011-2014) as contributing author and organizer of the Mexico and Central America Workshop, -UNEP, Global Environment Facility, UNESCO and ILEC-; Construction of artificial wetlands for wastewater treatment (2016-2018), as coordinator -Federal Ministry for International Cooperation Development (BMZ-Germany) and the Global Nature Fund-; the ILBM Lake Briefs from Latin America Project (2019-2021), involving 23 institutions from 5 countries, as coordinator -Remexcu, ILEC and Institute Corazon de la Tierra.
He developed a methodology to assess basin governance, currently used in Mexico, USA and Chile. He has been a guest speaker with institutions from Japan, USA, the Philippines, India, Argentina, Guatemala, Spain and Germany.
Office: (52) 33-38251361 and (52) 89951200
Fax: (52) 33-38251361
E-mail: corazondelatierra@gmail.com
Office Address: Paseo de los Filósofos #1175-209, Colinas de la Normal, Guadalajara, Mexico. CP 44270