
News Letter

ILEC publishes ILEC Newsletter featuring the latest lake basin management cases, including its global collaboration activities. Every issue is listed and downloadable below.

ISSN: 0912-7402

No.72 (2025.3)

*The 20th World Lake Conference “Lakes as Sentinels for Integrated River Basin Management” *Report from Former JICA Training Participants (Cuba, Nicaragua, India and Bangladesh) *Highlights of Initiatives for Sustainable Lake Management in the 2024 Fiscal Year *Letter from Scientific Committee (Australia) *Our Activity Overview (FY2024) *Establishment of the United Nations Observance “World Lakes Day”

No.71 (2024.3)

*“Youth Power” in Action @WLC19 *Report from a Former JICA Training Participant (Nepal) *ILEC’s FY2023 (Highlights)  *Letter from Scientific Committee (Japan) *Brisbane to Host WLC20 in 2025

No.70 (2023.3)

*Lake Balaton and Beyond *Report from a Former JICA Training Participant (Albania) *Road to SLM *Letter from Scientific Committee (India) *The 14th Term Scientific Committee Comes on Board *WLC19 Call for Participation

Special Issue: International Symposium 2022 (2022.12)

*International Symposium 2022 “Fostering the Value of Lakes for Future Generations” ・Part 1 Lake Ecotourism Contest (Final Judging) ・Part 2 International Symposium 2022 “Fostering the Value of Lakes for Future Generations” ・Behind the Scenes of this Event

No.69 (2022.3)

*WLC18 held Virtually *FY2020/2021 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program *2021 JICA President Award *Renewal of MOU with UNEP *Report from a Former JICA Training Participant (Indonesia) *Letter from Scientific Committee (Kenya) *Board Members Reorganized

No.68 (2021.3)

*ILEC-UNEP Webinar  *Letter from Scientific Committee (Masatsugu Takamatsu / Japan) *Strategies in the Philippines *Network in Latin America *Report from a former JICA Training Participants (Ethiopia) *ESSVA *WLC18 Pre-Conference

No.67 (2020.3)

*WLC18 *LAKES OF MEXICO(Alejandro Juarez Aguilar / Mexico) *Letter from Scientific Committee (Tiina Nõges / Estonia) *JICA-ILEC Follow-up Program (East Africa & India), etc.

No.66 (2019.3)

*The WLC17 in Ibaraki *Letter from SciCom member (Pieter van der Zaag / The Netherlands) *International Colloquium, etc.

No.65 (2018.3)

*Message from the New/Former President *ILEC 30th Anniversary Event *Letter from SciCom member (Collin M. Finlayson, Australia) *ILBM Workshop in Brazil, etc.

No.64 (2017.3)

*WLC16 (Bali, Indonesia) *Declaration by Biwa Kids Ambassador in WLC16 *Letter from SciCom member (Prof.Shimizu, Japan), etc.

No.63 (2016.11)

*ILEC’s 30th Anniversary: Our roots and WLCs *Obituary: Dr. Mostafa K. Tolba and Dr. Sven E. Jorgensen, etc.

No.62 (2016.4)

*ILBM-ESSVA Workshop in Kisumu *Message from the New/Fomer Chair of Scientific Committee

No.61 (2015.10)

*Fifteen Priority Lakes in Indonesia *Letter from Scicom member (China), etc.

No.60 (2015.3)

*WLC15 Highlights *East Africa and Post-AFSAN ILBM *Letter from SciCom (Brazil), etc.

No.59 (2014.8)

*Letter from SciCom member (Italy) *Lake Haleji (Pakistan), etc.

No.58 (2013.12)

*TICAD V Symposium *TWAP Assessment *Letter from SciCom member (Senegal), etc.

No.57 (2013.4)

*Message from ILEC Director General *Lake Rara (Nepal) *Letter from SciCom member (India), etc.

No.56 (2012.10)

*Growing ILBM Platform Process *Letter from SciCom member (Philippines) , etc.

No.55 (2012.3)

*WLC14 *Lake Turkana (Ethiopia/Kenya) *MOU with UNEP, etc.

No.54 (2011.3)

*Texas Reservoirs and their Management *Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme, etc.

No.52 (2009.3)

*Global warming and Lakes *World Lake Student Conference 2008 *Lake Atitln (Guatemala)

No.51 (2008.3)

*WLC12 *Message from the new/former chairman *Lake Hussainsagar (India), etc.

No.50 (2007.2)

*World Lake Vision Action Report *Mapping Lake Basins *World Lake Database and Knowledge Base *Lake Chapala Award, etc.

No.49 (2006.6)

*GEF-Lake Basin Management Initiative Project Report *JICA – ILBM Course *Chilika Lagoon (India), etc.

No.48 (2006.1)

*WLC11 *JICA – Environment Education Course II *Lake Xingkai/Khanka (China/Russia) *4th World Water Forum, etc.

No.47 (2005.3)

*Message from the new/former director general *Lake Vostok (Antarctica), etc.

No.46 (2005.1)

*2004 Stockholm Water Prize to SciCom Chair Sven Erik Jorgensen *WLC11 (Kenya) *Daecheong Lake *ILEC 20th Anniversary, etc.

No.45 (2004.3)

*1st Prigogine Prize to Professor Jorgensen *Nairobi Workshop *Lake Champlain, etc.

No.44 (2003.10)

*WLC10 (Chicago) *Indonesian Lake Forum *Laguna de Bay, etc.

No.43 (2003.3)

*World Lake Vision: Call to Action Symposium *13th Group Training Course in Lake Water Quality Management *Lake Titicaca, etc.

No.42 (2002.12)

*World Lake Vision in Johannesburg *JICA Group Training Course *Lake Basin Management Initiative: A GEF Project Lake Toba, etc.

No.41 (2002.8)

*3rd World Water Forum *GLOW III Conference Report *Lake Chapala (Mexico), etc.

No.40 (2002.2)

*Biwako Declaration 2001 *Aral Sea Crisis *Lake Nakuru *, etc.

No.39 (2001.10)

*Toward a World Lake Vision *6th Living Lakes Conference *Lake Victoria

No.38 (2001.8)

*WLC9 (Biwako 2001) Conference Program Finalised *New SciCom members: Prof. Nick Aladin, Dr. Walter Rast *Lake Michigan, etc.

No.37 (2001.2)

*Details of WLC9 released *Tunle Sap (Cambodia), etc.

No.36 (2000.9)

*WLC9 (Biwako 2001) Preparation at full throttle *LakeNet 2000 *The 4th Living Lakes Conference *Visit from the Bhoj Wetland Project Team, etc.

No.35 (2000.6)

*Special Bureau Meeting *2nd World Water Forum *3rd Living Lakes Conference *Nishinoko and reeds *Mono Lake, etc.

No.34 (1999.11)

*WLC8 sessions *9th ILEC SciCom General Meeting *Lake Huvgsul (Mongolia), etc.

No.33 (1999.1)

*Temporary Wetlands *New SciCom memter: Dr. Madhav Chitale *Lake Shira, etc.

No.32 (1998.8)

*Papers from Lacar 97 *Fure Lake *New SciCom member: Prof. Jin Xiangcan *Rangla Wetland Complex (Pakistan), etc.

No.31 (1998.2)

*Lacar ’97 sessions *New SciCom member: Dr. Riccardo de Bernardi *Lake Hancza (Poland), etc.

No.30 (1997.10)

*International Conference on Ancient Lakes: ICAL’97 *New SciCom member: Prof. C.H.D. Magadza *Overview of Indonesian Lakes, etc.

No.29 (1997.4)

*Water in the 21st Century *RAISON to Windows *A look at five water bodies in Argentina, etc.

No.28 (1996.11)

*ILEC’s Web Site *Lake Biwa Museum opened by Royalty *Turkish Lakes and Reservoirs: Management and Conservation, etc.

No.27 (1996.4)

*ILEC’s 10th Anniversary *Kasumigaura ’95 *Conservation of Dal Lake and Inland Waters in India, etc.

No.26 (1995.10)

*ILEC’s new office *Water Wars *ILEC’s new journal: Lakes and Reservoirs *Indonesia’s Lakes, etc.

No.25 (1995.1)

*Short training course on environmental education *Pre-Conference for the WLC6 *Lake Kasumigaura (Japan), etc.

No.24 (1994.7)

*Opening of UNEP/IETC *6th General Meeting of ILEC SciCom *Volta Lake, etc.

No.23 (1994.2)

*ILEC/UNEP International Training Course in Hungary *Biwako Transport Experiment *Saline therapeutic lakes in Romania, etc.

No.22 (1993.9)

*WLC5 Stresa’93 *5th Ramsar Conference *Tucurui Reservoir in Brazil, etc.

No.21 (1993.6)

*UNEP International Technology Center open *Salt Lakes, etc.

No.20 (1993.3)

*5th General meeting of ILEC SciCom *UNEP *Asian Wetland Symposium *Lakes of Guiers (Senegal), etc.

No.19 (1992.9)

*Environmental Education and Problems in Today’s Thailand *RAISON/GEMS Experts Meeting *Lake Sevan (Russia), etc.

No.18 (1992.4)

*Symposium on water resources management at Lake Biwa Research Institute *Lake Baikal (Russia), etc.

No.17 (1992.2)

*International Environmental Education Exhibition at ILEC *Lago Maggiore (Italy), etc.

No.16 (1991.9)

*Message from Dr. Tolba *ILEC/JICA Lake water quality management raining course *Lake Blubokoe (USSR), etc.

No.14 (1990.10)

*How can we save the aral sea? *3rd General meeting of the ILEC SciCom *Lake Toba, etc.

No.13 (1990.7)

*3rd ILEC/UNCRD/UNEP Joint expert group workshop *The High Dam Lake, etc.

No.12 (1990.1)

*The SIL workshop of the African Great Lakes *Hydrological information referral service *The Ladoga Lake, etc.

No.11 (1989.10)

*USSR CIP/UNEP/ILEC International training course on lake management for specialists from Lake Chad basin *Lake Kariba, etc.

No.10 (1989.7)

*ILEC 1st guideline book on lake management *Lake Kinneret, etc.

No.09 (1989.3)

*ILEC/UNCRD/UNEP/ONEB/PSU Joint expert group workshop *Lake Songkhla, etc.

No.08 (1988.12)

*WLC3 Balaton ’88 *2nd General meeting of the ILEC SciCom *Lake Bled, etc.

No.07 (1988.9)

*International training course for lake/watershed management in China *The 1st conference to save Lake Chad *Mtera Reservoir, etc.

No.06 (1988.4)

*Joint expert group workshop *1st General meeting of the ILEC SciCom *Lake Tanganyika, etc.

No.04 (1987.8)

*Founding Committee Meeting *Lake water quality management in Japan *Wuhan East Lake, etc.

No.03 (1987.3)

*The 1st anniversary of ILEC *The 3rd meeting on the Zambezi River System *Lakes, lagoons and reservoirs of the Argentine Republic, etc.

No.02 (1987.1)

*ILEC/UNCRD/UNEP Joint workshop on environmental planning and management *Tai Hu, etc.

No.01 (1986.6)

*From the shore of Lake Biwa, Tatsuo Kira *The Inaugural Meeting of ILEC *Lake Biwa, etc.