Human Use of Lakes
Throughout history, lakes have attracted people and have become the home of civilizations and cultures. Ironically, the people who are drawn to lakes often compromise the very values they are seeking, either through direct overuse (for example, overfishing) or through indirect pollution (such as sewage effluents from a city adding nutrients to a lake). This section tells the story of values, impairments, causes and responses and sets the stage for the ILBM concept.
Human Use of Lakes
Additional Materials
Lake Baringo: A Transient Physical Chemical Environment, Diversity and Livelihoods
Jones, Muli
Fundamentals of the Economic Approach
Global Review of Lake and Reservoir Eutrophication and Associated Management Challenges
Ecosystem Services and Values for Stakeholders
Economic Valuation in the Lake Basin Management Decision Making Process
What are the uses of your lake and basin?
Which uses are being impaired?
What are the root causes of these impairments?
What has been the management response?