Abdullah, Shahrizaila
Lessons from Malaysia on Developing a Nationwide Strategic Plan for the Management of Lakes and Reservoirs
Aladin, Nick
Biodiversity Loss in a Saline Lake Ecosystem
Review of Technical Interventions to Restore the Northern Aral Sea
Azevedo, Sandra
Cyanobacterial Problems in South American Reservoirs: Historical Background, Current Status and Prospects for Countermeasures
Ballatore, Thomas
Economic Instruments for Environmental Protection
Bradt, Shane
Applications of Remote Sensing for Lake Basin Management
Chatchai Ratanachai
Lessons on Project Design and Stakeholder Engagement from the Songkhla Lake Case
Cheruiyot, Charles Kipkoech
Assessment of Pollution Load on the Kenyan Catchment of Lake Victoria Basin using GIS Tools
Chidammodzi, Clara L.
Assessment of Management of Lake Malawi Basin through Application of ILBM-Based Tools
Connell, Daniel
Multi-level Water Governance for Closed and Closing Systems: The Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
Dahal, Khila
GIS-based Lake Basin Delineation and Computation of Risk Indicators as part of the TWAP Project
Open Source GIS-based Lake Basin Delineation Procedure: a Tutorial
Diop, Salif
Water Resources Management within the Climate Change Context in Africa
Dixon, John
Charging for Use of Natural Resources: Practical Lessons for Lake Basin Managers
Biophysical Characteristics of Lakes
Effective Institutions: Responding to Change
Human Use of Lakes: Values, Problems, and Responses
Identifying Effective Policies: Incentives and Regulations
Informing the Process: The Role of Science
Involving People: Values, Education and Participation
Mobilizing Sustainable Financing: Local, National and External Funds
Planning for Sustainable Lake Basin Management
Technological Responses: Possibilities and Limitations
Towards the Future
Gyllenhammar, Andreas
An Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in the Management of Lake Kyoga, Uganda
Hirayama, Naoko
Sewerage Policies and Finances in Lake Basin Management, a Case of Lake Biwa, Japan
Holdren, Chris
The Planning Process for Lake Basin Management: Lessons from Some North American Lakes
Ichiki, Shigekazu
Monitoring and Evaluation of Water Quality and Ecosystem in Lakes, Rivers and Coastal Zones in Japan
Ide, Shinji
Introduction to Lake Modeling
Participation in Japan
Summary and Key Messages from “Additional Reports” of the Training Modules for Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM)
How Can We Stop Degradation of the World's Lake Environments?
Integrated Lake Basin Management: Threats to world lakes
Jones, Muli
Lake Baringo: A Transient Physical Chemical Environment, Diversity and Livelihoods
Juarez, Alejandro
The Use of Workshops as a Planning Tool in ILBM: Lessons from Lake Chapala, Mexico
Kodarkar, Mohan
Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Preserve the Ecological Integrity of Urban Lakes
Jal Dindi, the Water Pilgrimage: How Tradition and Culture can Used to Promote ILBM
Kondo, Manabe
Fundamentals of the Economic Approach
Magadza, Chris
Re-Eutrophication and Pathogenic Contamination of Lake Chivero
Majizat, Akashah
Lessons on Preparing and Implementing a Management Plan within an Urban Development Framework
Mendiondo, Eduardo Mario
Global Review of Lake and Reservoir Eutrophication and Associated Management Challenges
Muhandiki, Victor
Implementing Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Schemes in Developing Countries
Methodology for Learning Within and Across Lake Basins
Nakamura, Masahisa
Global Promotion of Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) - ILEC’s Strategy, Challenges and Prospects
ILLBM: Toward Improvement of Lake‐River‐Coastal Basin Governance for Sustainable Resource Use
JICA-ILEC Project on the Development of ILLBM Training Resource Materials
Niren, Takaaki
Ecosystem Services and Values for Stakeholders
Noges, Tiina
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in the EU Water Environments
Olago, Daniel
African Lake Basin Management: Key Issues and Challenges
Oya, Kenji
River/Lake Basin Approaches to Water Resources Management
Pattnaik, Ajit K.
Chilika Lake: Restoring Ecological Balance and Livelihoods through Re‐Salinization
Institutional Coordination and Policy Development in Lake Basin Management
Pokharel, Shailendra Kumar
Lessons from Nepal on Developing a Strategic Plan for the Integrated Lake Basin Management: The Case of Lakes Phewa, Bengas, and Rupa
The Lake Cluster Pokhara Valley: An Overview of Lake Basin Environment and Governance Improvement
Rast, Walter
Informational Requirements for a Lake Basin Management Program
Robarts, Richard
Acquisition and Management of Lake-related Water Quality Information at the Global Level
Santos-Borja, Adelina
Environmental User Fee System for Laguna de Bay
Innovative Financing Methods for Lake Basin Management
Into the Golden Year of Lake Basin Management in Laguna de Bay, Philippines
Lessons on Attaining Sustainable Financing for Lake Basin Management Authorities in the Philippines
Sato, Masahisa
Environmental Education: Its Evolution, ESD, Participation and Governance
Sharip, Zati
Strengthening Integrated Lake Basin Management Implementation in Malaysia through Research Framework
Skinner, Juan
Indigenous Peoples and Lake Basin Management
Subehi, Luki
Application of Remote Sensing to Generate Historical Water Quality Data to Support Lake Management in Indonesia
Tapas Ranjan Chakraborty
The Management of Hoars, Baors, and Beels in Bangladesh
Verma, Madhu
Economic Valuation in the Lake Basin Management Decision Making Process
Villa-Lobos, Sybil
Regulatory Approach For Water Quality Protection In Chile: Key Aspects to be Considered
Watanabe, Tsugihiro
Role of District-level Organization in Decentralized Arrangement of Irrigation Management: Lessons from Water Users Association of Farmers in Japan and Egypt
The Role of Agriculture and Irrigation in Lake Basin Management
Wang Li
Moving Towards Integrated Management of the Plateau Lakes in Yunnan Province, China: Lessons for Planning and Finance